Animal Success Stories
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Dear Carla and everyone at Tails of Hope, April is such a joy and has truly helped my heart heal after the loss of my Tiny. She goes crazy when she plays and runs back and forth through the hall. She is an ear and toe nibbler and gets very excited when she makes us laugh or we run from her. She loves to go for rides in the car, but she does get cranky if she does not get her daily nap. We recently went on vacation to Lexington, VA and, of course, all 4 dogs (and the cat) came with us. She did so well for her first time in a hotel, we were very proud of her. I am attaching a picture of Eric with all the dogs at Natural Bridge, VA. She had a hard time keeping up, so she rode in the stroller most of the way. She knew she was a queen that day! Thanks again so much for allowing us to have April and give her all the love she deserves. By the way, her nickname is Sugarsnap, she answered to it the first time I said it to her! Stacie and Eric


ANNIE The day I found Annie the farthest thing from my thoughts was getting another pet. Because I have been blessed by finding four wonderful dogs from Tails-of-Hope, I often browse their website. That day I was searching on behalf of a friend and, all of a sudden, there she was . . . the adorable Annie filled my screen. Though I know it is dangerous for me to read about the ones that grab my heart at first sight, I had to know about her. “Twelve years old” it said . . . oh dear, I knew that was surely very old-age for an airedale. Old age or not, I had to “meet” Annie and within a few hours I was on my way to the shelter where she had been for 10 days, another hour and I was on my way home and guess who was in the back seat!. What had I done? I already have two magnificent rescue guys and now they had a sister. She is the most wonderful pet anyone could want. She is mellow and sweet as befits her age, but trotting along beside Fozzie Bear and Toby, one would think she was years younger. There is not a doubt in the world that Annie was destined for this dog house . . . she is undeniably happy here and we are just delighted with her. Still I must stay away from that Website !!!

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