What to do if you find a lost dogLost Dog Tips:


(The text below is excerpted from The Lost Pet Chronicles by Kat Albrecht,  ©2004 by Kathy Ellen Albrecht)


Also see www.lostdogsearch.com

How to Recover a Lost Dog:

Prevention is Key:

A collar with an identification tag and a microchip (ask your veterinarian) is the best insurance that your dog will be returned to you should it become lost. Repair loose boards and holes in fencing to prevent an escape. Use chicken wire secured to the bottom of fencing (weighed down with bricks) to prevent dogs from crawling or digging out. If your dog attempts to climb or jump fences, or has any other behavioral problems (digging, chewing, etc.), contact a reputable dog trainer or an animal behaviorist for assistance. Understand that no amount of prevention will keep your dog from becoming lost in certain circumstances such as during a major disaster, a rollover car accident, a burglary of your home, or a careless serviceman who leaves a gate open. If you find a stray dog, your first thought should be Who lost this dog? instead of Who would abandon this dog? You should also plaster "Found Dog" posters in the area, file a "found dog" report with the shelters and rescue groups in your area, and check the local classifieds for any "Lost Dog" advertisements for at least two weeks following your discovery of the dog.


Start Your Search At Your Home:
Make sure you search your own property first, and surrounding neighbor's property (with their permission) checking areas where your dog could be trapped, injured, or deceased. Dogs have become trapped inside sheds, closed inside trailers, entangled in wires under homes, dropped into wells, and even fallen into neighbor swimming pools. Do not neglect searching nearby when looking for your lost dog.

Understand Lost Dog Dynamics
Be sure to search all animal shelters (there may be more than one) within your area. It is difficult to predict how far lost dogs will travel because there are just too many variables. The distance that a lost dog will travel depends upon its individual temperament, the environment (terrain and weather), and the circumstances surrounding the disappearance. The question to ask when searching for a missing dog is "Who has my dog?" One complicating factor with lost dogs is that people who pick up stray dogs often transport them out of the immediate search area. Because a large amount of lost dogs end up in foster homes and rescue adoption programs, you should contact all rescue groups and breed rescue groups within your area (your shelter should have a listing). Animal shelters and dog rescue groups are a high probability search area for a lost dog.


Elderly, Disabled, and Small Dogs:
In general, elderly dogs, disabled dogs, and small dogs tend to be recovered quickly, often ending up within a few blocks from their escape point. Your target search area will be within ? mile radius of your home. Highly populated areas (apartments, condominiums, etc.) could mean a smaller radius and sparsely populated areas (rural farmland, mountains, desert, etc.) could mean your dog will travel farther. Place highly visible lost dog posters in the area of disappearance and utilize a flyer distribution service that will mail notices to homes within a one-mile radius from where the dog escaped.

Friendly and Purebred Dogs:
In general, wiggly-friendly dogs that readily go up to strangers for attention and purebred or rare breed dogs will be "rescued" much quicker than mixed breed dogs that often go unnoticed. This is likely because the average (non-rescue oriented) person who sees a mixed breed dog trotting down the sidewalk probably doesn't notice it but when the same person sees a dog of value (like an English Bulldog, Afghan, or a Great Dane) they will immediately pull over. This is because they either want the dog (to keep for themselves) or they assume that because it is a valuable dog it must be lost (and they stop to help). Your target search area will, in general, be an aggressive flyer distribution and highly visible poster boards within ? mile radius of your home.


Aggressive Dogs, Panicked Dogs, and Skittish/Shy Dogs:
Aggressive dogs, panicked dogs (fireworks, involved in car accident), and dogs with skittish, shy temperaments will be more difficult to capture and are at risk of traveling further. These dogs will often run blindly and can travel for miles before intervention. When they eventually slow down, they will often seek out areas (wooded forest, cemeteries, creeks, etc.) where they can avoid all human contact. You should focus your search by aggressive poster board distributions initially at the escape point and eventually in areas of sightings. Many panicked dogs will not come to their owner but will scoot away in fear. Yet these dogs seem to be willing to approach or be approached by another dog. Use a second dog (on a 30-foot long leash) and even a large, dog-sized baited humane trap available  at www.animal-care.com to recover a dog you have found but cannot catch.


Distribute Flyers In Your Target Search Area:
When developing lost pet posters, use bright, florescent poster board (available at drug stores or office supply stores). Use a giant, black magic marker (do not use water-soluble markers) for lettering and duct tape or staples to secure the sign. In giant letters at the top, write the words REWARD and at the very bottom write the words LOST DOG. Then in the center of the poster board, glue a standard sheet of paper that contains information on your lost dog and your phone numbers. In the largest font possible (at the top of the page) list a brief description of your dog like "WHITE POODLE" or "BLACK LAB." The size and florescent color of the poster will immediately attract the eye of drivers and instantly everyone who passes by will know there's a lost white poodle in the area. If you only plaster standard 8 ½ X 11-sized pieces of paper, drivers and pedestrians are not likely to see it, let alone be able to read it from a distance. Be Prepared to Respond To Several Sightings.

Be sure someone is available at all times to answer incoming calls for potential sightings. Loose dogs are mobile and they can move quickly. Ask the caller if they are calling from a cell phone and if they are, ask them to remain on the phone with you to keep you updated on the dogs' location. This tactic alone (cell phone to cell phone communication between a witness and a dog owner) has proven to be a highly effective method of recovering lost dogs. If you have a phone answering machine, make sure you change your message to include instructions on how someone can reach you on your cell phone. If you don't own a cell phone, borrow one!


Place An Ad:
Place ads in both your local paper and distant newspapers. Also, check the "found pet" ads in these papers.

Use a Local Lost Pet Web Site:
Consider posting information and a photograph about your dog on a lost pet web site that lists lost pets from your area. This may be through a rescue group, your shelter, or another source. In addition, consider using the service of PETS911 at
www.1888pets911.org, an organization that lists community-based pet services, including lost and found pet web sites.

Do Not Be Scammed:

Sadly, there are several "scams" where thieves prey on pet owners who have lost a pet. For example, there's the "truck driver" scam where someone calls to say that while driving through your area they picked up a stray dog and just now saw your lost dog Ad. They then ask you to wire them money so they can ship your dog back to you. You send the money and the dog never arrives. If someone tells you to wire money because they have your pet, do not believe them! Never agree to pay a reward until you have your pet in hand. If someone has your dog but demands money and won't return your dog unless you pay them, call the police. Never go to pick up your found pet alone. Tell a family member or friend exactly where you are going, take a cell phone with you, and take at least one other adult with you. And finally, be aware that anyone can take a dog, place a "SEARCH DOG" vest on it, claim it is trained to find lost pets, and charge a fee. I have no doubt that once this book comes out, scams of this nature will increase as well. Be certain to check references of any pet detective service that you use. Do Not Give Up!

Sometimes it takes weeks, even months to find a missing dog. There have even been cases where dogs have been located years after they disappeared. Physically, your dog is somewhere and it did not vanish from earth! Although it is possible that someone has transported your dog a long distance from your home, you must act on the assumption that the dog is nearby and that you will recover it. If you lose hope or become discouraged by others who are trying to tell you to "give up" your search efforts, you will reduce your chances of recovering your dog.