Animal Success Stories
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Shelia's story: I am a Basset cross (my mom did a DNA test) and I would like to tell you my happy story. Tails of Hope rescued me from a shelter when I was pregnant with my last litter. Mom had come with her daughter who was there to get one of my beautiful pups. She chose Casper (now Bristol who turned out to be Basset and Lab cross, picture a Lab with 5 inch legs). My mom, aka Nana, spent her time with me, giving me love hugs, petting and staring into my soul (her words not mine). They left with my son, but mom could not stop thinking about me. She already had two kids at home, O.C. and Cindy, Boston Terriers. Tried as she might not to think about me, she could not stop seeing my face in her heart. To shorten this story just a little, she applied to TOH to adopt me. A lady went to her house (a mansion in my eyes) to make sure it would be a good physical home for me, I think they already knew mom's heart was a good fit. A long 6 weeks passed when mom, Cindy, OC and Mackenzie (mom's grand-daughter) came back to get me. Although I liked the girl who took care of me, I really loved her dad and had a hard time leaving him. But home we went. Mom bought a beautiful soft-sided pet thing for me to ride home in, but Cindy and OC were put in there because they were so happy, but they were driving me crazy! Once we got home I was so happy, I just jumped and ran, up and down the stairs, out the doggy door into a big yard, oh happy days! I had my own bowl, although it seemed small as my appetite was larger than that bowl. I was a very thin 25lbs, and mom said I needed some meat on my bones and boy was it fun 'putting meat on my bones'. Until TOH found me my meals must have been scarce cause I eat like there is no tomorrow, no I don't gobble I just finish all of mine, and if mom isn't looking I get the other bowls (I think she has eyes in the back of her head). Well, I put on the weight, and my vet finally said WHOA! I now hit the scales at 50 lbs! Mom doesn't give me her food, I do try to get some, but she is immune to my woeful eyes, darn. Mom says I am gorgeous, loving and the best girl she ever met. She doesn't say this in front of Cindy though. Mom has since retired and we moved to Florida. I don't have a yard anymore, but don't be sad, I like to sleep a lot......... and Cindy is older now and OC went to heaven just before we moved. It is very hot here so mom walks me in the morning, and I get to chase the lizards, boy do I love them lizards - but the best Florida they have doggy parks!!!! We go everyday, we may get rained on while we are there, but we stay at least 2-3 hours. They have lizards as well and I am the great hunter of those little devils. I have so many biped friends... of course their doggies are nice but the bipeds give scratches and belly rubs, oh I do love my belly rubs. We recently adopted my little brother, who people say looks just like me, I don't think so, he is short, long, and has brown and white patches. Mom calls him Scout or Little Man. Nice kid, good for a romp now and then if the spirit moves me. At least he lost those real sharp teeth, they did a job on my ears in the beginning. So he keeps me moving, even in the house. Oh yeah, I have two other siblings, Vinnie, a Ragdoll cat who likes to eat out of my bowl, I don't think so!!! Mom got him last year,he is 10 y/o, he is OK except for the bowl thing. He loves to clean my ears, oh that is nice, I mean for a cat. And now she brought home another cat. Suzi, her human went to heaven with OC, mom says. She is a big girl, but doesn't bother me, she leaves my bowl alone at least, I don't know what a Maine Coon is, but she is one of them, so mom says. She is another senior citizen, and that is one extra bowl to try to sneak a taste of. Thank heaven for the doggy park is all I can say. So that is my story. As you can see Tails of Hope has yet another happy story for all their hard work in helping all of us find our forever homes. Let's hear it for Tails of Hope!!!!!