Animal Success Stories
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Hi guys! Just wanted to write and let you know Bo is doing GREAT. We love this dog more than we could have ever imagined. He is smart, sweet, goofy, playful and wonderfully mannered. He’s fattened up just a bit at our vet’s suggestion. He gets yogurt on his food which helps with the dry Shepherd skin and he loves the taste. The yard is his play land and when we go out to throw the ball and play with the kids he’ll sometimes look at me and then take off at full speed and run around the yard as fast as he can jumping the wagons, and climbing gyms in the process. It’s like he is joyfully running. He has learned to play fetch and will do it for hours on end. I walk him twice a day and it’s our “alone time.” We get moving pretty fast and sometimes part of the walk is my run for the day so he is getting plenty of exercise. He’s perfect on the leash and walks right at my side. We have also ventured into a dog park nearby but so many of the dog owners in those places are clueless so we go and if there are un-monitored dogs acting out we leave. Bo, of course, is a total gentleman and comes back every time I call him. His best friends at the dog park are a Beagle named T-Rex and a Golden Retriever named Bella. They play really well together. We spend a lot of time outside as a family and he comes everywhere with us. They kids bike or use their scooters and Bo and I walk behind. We go on a nature walk by our house and that is awesome. We get to see a lot of other dogs and sometimes deer and fox and snakes (yuck). Bo is not fond of snakes…he barks at them! He has become best friends with the dog next door, Charlie, and we frequently do play dates in each other’s yards. Also he has stopped counter surfing! We trained him to sit while we make his food and then when we say “ok” after the dish is put down he can come and eat. I have even left butter on the table and he didn’t touch it! When he first came to live with us several innocent sticks of butter were lost to his appetite J He sits in the front seat when we pick up Catherine at school and all the kids waiting for pick up yell “Hi Bo!” He’s practically the school mascot. Most of all he is just incredible with our kids. He plays and has fun but rolls over to show his belly if they want to take a toy away to throw it for him and he is really gentle around them. We have worked hard to ensure they always treat him with respect, never tease and give him lots of love and affection. We simply love, love, love this dog. My favorite thing about him is his desire to be close and petted and connected. At night he and my husband and I sit on the couch and watch movies and he’s sprawled out between us getting a full on tummy rub for hours on end. And Terri, you were so right on about him being lazy in the morning. He totally likes to sleep in. I love it. I’m attaching some pictures of him. He’s laying on the floor at my feet right now with his head on his blue fuzzy squeaky toy. Thank you so much for rescuing him. He is so much a part of our family now and we realized that the year we went without a dog after Willie died was really empty. We are just a family that is not complete without a dog and Bo was that missing link. I feel very blessed to have been able to welcome two wonderful dogs into my life. Take care and thanks again for bringing Bo into our lives! We love him! Best, SB