Animal Success Stories
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I rescued Ollie, a Rottweiler mix, about a year ago. He is a wonderful dog but lonely for a dog companion. I tried to introduce Ollie to dogs in the neighborhood to play with but trying to meet others on regular basis was difficult. I had been looking for another dog through various rescue organizations and the humane society but did not see the one that I thought would be a good companion for Ollie and me. While riding a work shuttle bus, a gentleman asked if anyone was looking for a good dog that is Labrador/Border Collie mix. He said that his Mother volunteers for "Tails of Hope" and she was trying to find a home for a great dog, Phoebe. My coworker spoke up and said that I was. I inquired about the dog and she was everything that I thought would make a good friend for Ollie. She was the right breed, size, age, and I wanted to rescue another dog. Furthermore, he had a picture of her with all of her information. She was a very cute dog with a sad history. Phoebe was a stray dog rescued by his Mother from the humane society. I contacted the gentleman's Mother and we met that evening at a kennel where Phoebe was staying. Ollie and Phoebe played a little and it appeared that they would get along. The next night while I was sitting on the couch watching television, I asked Ollie, "Where is Phoebe?" Ollie's ears perked up, he got up and started looking around for her. I new he liked her since he definitely remembered her name. The next week Phoebe was brought to my home. Ollie and I met Phoebe and the "Tails of Hope" representative outside. When Ollie and Phoebe saw each other they wagged their tails, started jumping, and playing with each other. Well, Ollie and Phoebe are inseparable. Where one is the other one is. From the beginning, Ollie has shared his toys by taking them over to Phoebe and laying them next to her. I don't think she new what to do with the toys or for that matter she didn't seem to understand very much. Ollie has been helpful in training Phoebe. She copies him in play, which includes wet-neck, tug-of-war, catch-me-if-you-can, and taking toys when the other isn't looking. Because she copies Ollie, she is quickly learning commands, leash walking, and house breaking. My friends, neighbors, and veterinarian seemed surprised by how well they get along and they get along better than I had hoped. I expected a little jealously from Ollie, but I think I may be the one a little jealous since he seems to have little time for me.