Animal Success Stories
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Hi! I wanted to give you all an update on the wonderful furbaby we adopted from you. This is the probably a story you have heard from me before. I lost my best friend, my mom, on September 30, 2006. In October, I began the search for a female shih tzu on whom I could lavish all my excess attention and love and also to be a little girlfriend to our our shih tzu, Princess Mighty Dog. In February 2007, I saw Muffin's adorable face in my email (I was registered through Petfinder) and it spoke to me. I immediately went through your process for adoption and thankfully I was approved. I picked up Muffin on March 19, 2007! I have to tell you, had it not been for Muffin and Princess Mighty Dog, I might still be in "mourning". I thank God everyday for these beautiful babies. Muffin (nicknamed lovingly Muffy Vanderdog (sounds very royal don't you think) is such a joy to be around. She is my little velcro dog and has also brought out so many of the qualities in Princess Mighty Dog that we enjoy. I have attached some pictures you are welcome to use and if you need any information concerning Muffin for your site, just let me know. I think she was a co-listing for Angel of the Hills if memory serves me correctly. Muffin is the black and white one. The images which are 4 on a page were all taken on the days immediately after we got her from you. thank you again for this little darling (who is now 16lbs) and will be celebrating her 5th birthday in September. With love and gratitude Sharon McDowell & family