Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

When my girlfriend and I started looking for companions, we stumbled upon the Tails of Hope website and noticed a few doggie candidates. When I applied, I received a friendly and prompt response letting me know which dogs were still available. My interest turned to Pumpkin. He had numerous pictures and according to his bio, sounded like the perfect dog for us. His foster mom was very helpful and accessible in answering all of my questions. The adoption process was thorough yet timely as it was very organized and well managed. Upon approval, I went to pick up our new little friend and knew it was a perfect match at first sight. He ran up to me and immediately rolled over with his tongue hanging out. He is so full of energy and love, I cannot believe how lucky we are for this to have worked out. Pumpkin sits with us, fetches and is actually house trained (we are so thankful). He walks well on a leash and has a "big dog" attitude - which makes us laugh. He is quite the TV critic (as his foster mother told us) but quickly quiets down when we say his name. Pumpkin has adapted perfectly to his new home and it feels as if he has been with us for years. We are truly a success story and are thankful for everyone who made this adoption possible. I tell him constantly that he "is a good boy" but he is much more than that. As a new member of our family, we are thrilled to share our story with all other potential adopters. - Evan and Erin