Animal Success Stories
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It's been almost seven months since you all blessed me with the sweetest, most beautiful dog. I wanted to write and update you on things--and thank you again from the bottom of my heart for a creature that really, truly has been a blessing to our home. Last time I contacted you, "Blessing", who now goes by Lina, was adjusting well, enjoying her rawhide, mixing well with the other pets, and having a blast hiking! She is one happy, exceptionally obedient dog! We go hiking just about every weekend, something Lina looks forward to all week. She can leap over fallen trees like a horse and boulder better than I can sometimes! She's such a trooper! Now that I have a full time job, she travels with me to Richmond during the week for training and loves the hotel life. It means lots of time at daycare, the dog park, and walks all day long, it seems. I'm up hours before I have to be there playing with her and taking her for walks, back for lunch to do the same, and then again after work! Best part? I don't mind it a bit. She's worth all the time and effort in the world. I'm writing primarily to share a story with you. It might start out a little gray, but I promise it's got a happy ending! Shortly after Lina came into our home, the whole demeanor here changed. My father, who up to this point in his life, has never really been a fan of pets, warmed right up to her and welcomed her as a new friend. She gave him a scare or two, even a rough time now and again, but they have a very positive relationship that makes everyone here smile. Well... a little while after we got Lina, dad had another stroke. He was having a real hard time walking and getting around in general. He fell several times, and we were very worried to leave him alone. Would you believe that Lina would come over to his chair when he was feeling unwell and simply refuse to leave his side? If he got up to walk, she went with him. If he went outside, she escorted him around, never straying too far. I really think the only thing that was getting him through the pain and frustration he felt was Lina. While I was at work, he made it his job to walk her, to play with her, and to make sure she was "properly loved." Of course, now that he is well, the loving is still taking place. Thank you, Tails of Hope and K9 Lifesavers! You and I may have saved the life of a wonderful dog... but she, I'm willing to bet, saved the life of my father by helping him deal with his second and more debilitating stroke. And no need to worry -- dad's doing so much better now. Ah -- and Lina is stuck to me like glue once again, which I prefer... :D Thank you all again for my wonderful dog. I love her so much! I've attached a few pictures for you to see how beautiful and talented she is! Best wishes in all, Katie White